- Business for Good
Improve your impact
Improve your image
You’re running a business that creates jobs and opportunities, contributes to society and helps the economy. But you want to do more - and have your business recognised for what it is doing.
But sometimes you feel fed up at the bad press businesses can get. It’s hard enough without unfair criticism from the side-lines. Your customers need you - and your employees and their families are depending on you.
And you know good business makes a better community, and a good community makes for better business. So how do you get your message out there while keeping your business going?
Move to the next level
At The Leader we’ve spent decades working with local communities from grassroots to board level. And we know all about the challenge of growing an enterprise and taking the long view.
So we understand why it’s important for you and your business to not only do the right thing, but also to be seen to be doing the right thing.
We can help guide your thinking and offer practical action as you work to improve your impact and your image.
We will help you identify needs and opportunities in your community where your business can make a difference.
And we will help you explore new ways of engaging with your local and wider community.
Reap the benefits
When we’re doing this work with you we’ll be helping you make your business resilient and sustainable.
You will be building the leadership capacity and capability of your people and your business. And you’ll be learning that leadership development happens in all sorts of different ways.
Staff commitment, morale and productivity will grow, and as your business develops, you will be able to continue attracting passionate and talented staff.
And because you’re building a better business you'll reap the rewards of making a more powerful and positive impact for your employees, your customers and your community.
So make sure you know what your business stands for, and be the leader of a Business for Good.
We work with business leaders across west and central Scotland.
We come to you!
If you are ready to take your business in a good direction, please complete the form below.

About The Leader
The Leader Scotland Ltd
Company No SC589889
Registered Address
An Claggan,
Argyll Rd Kilcreggan
Argyll Scotland
G84 0HU
Contact Us
The Leader © 2024